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Dibujo de formas florales abstractasPapel estampado con un sello exlibris de formas florales abstractas
Bookplate Leaves Sale priceFrom €46,00
Dibujo de peces rojos nadando en diferentes direccionesPortadilla de libro estampada con un sello exlibris de peces
Bookplate Red fish Sale priceFrom €46,00
Dibujo de olas y al fondo el monte FujiPortadilla de libro estampada con sello exlibris de olas y al fondo el monte Fuji
Bookplate Waves Sale priceFrom €46,00
Dibujo de un ojoPortadilla de libro estampada con sello exlibris de un ojo
Bookplate Eye Sale priceFrom €46,00
Dibujo de una mano sosteniendo una guitarraPortadilla de libro estampada con sello exlibris de una mano sosteniendo una guitarra
Bookplate Guitar Sale priceFrom €46,00
Dibujo de una planta en una maceta con hojas anchasPortadilla de libro estampada con sello exlibris de una planta en una maceta con hojas anchas
Bookplate Vase with flowers Sale priceFrom €46,00
Dibujo de una mano con tallos de trigo a modo de dedosPortadilla de libro estampada con sello exlibris de una mano con tallos de trigo a modo de dedos
Bookplate Wheat fingers Sale priceFrom €46,00
Dibujo de una mano con semillasPortadilla de libro estampada con sello exlibris de una mano con semillas
Bookplate Wheat grains Sale priceFrom €46,00

Ex-libris stamps dedicated to art lovers

All these ex-libris models are dedicated to art, they are fragments of paintings by my favorite artists. Ex-libris made for readers who visit museum halls, allowing themselves to be surprised by the works they discover, for bibliophiles who have a shelf dedicated to the history of art in their homes. From now on you will be able to mark your collection with an artistic seal where art is the main reason.

A seal that signs

Like an artist signing his work, readers can now sign their books with their ex-libris stamps. The ex-libris seal allows you to leave a trace of the book's owner and sign your collection. This is very useful if the reader likes to share their books, because they know that thanks to their signature they will be returned to them.

In this workshop I also make custom ex-libris stamps for readers who want their stamp to be completely original and there is no other like it.